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Health Office/Attendance

Please contact:

Kelly Falanga, R.N., BSN
School Nurse
Fax: 315-597-3898

Sally Breen
Nurse's Aide

What the School Nurse Does...

  • Provides emergency first aid, and appropriate medical assistance as needed.
  • Conducts health screenings for vision, hearing, and scoliosis at the state mandated grade levels, and as needed.  
  • Evaluates and monitors communicable and nuisance diseases
  • Implements and monitors students' compliance with state immunization laws
  • Makes referral to appropriate community agencies
  • Evaluates and assesses student health needs, provides health counseling and conducts health-related classroom presentations
  • Serves as a liaison between home and school regarding health concerns; takes health histories and assesses long-term illnesses
  • Works with Committee on Special Education to develop objectives for the students' Individualized Educational Plan
  • Serves as a resource person for faculty and staff and community agencies.

Guidelines for Keeping Your Child Home

  • A fever (temperature) higher than 100 degrees in the past 24 hours. Children should be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen) before returning to school
  • Vomiting in the past 24 hours
  • Diarrhea in the the past 24 hours
  • A suspicious rash
  • Chills
  • A headache lasting a day or two, or reoccurs
  • A bad cough or cold symptoms (very runny nose or bad cough, especially if it has kept the child awake at night)
  • A sore throat that persists for 24 hours especially if accompanied by a fever, rash, and/or nausea.
  • Redness of an eye, especially if accompanied by itching or draining

When your child is absent or tardy from school, please call or email the health office. Please remember to send in a written note of explanation when your child returns.  

For health related absences and/or appointments, parents are encouraged to provide a written excuse from the health care provider.

Over the Counter Medications (OTC)

An over the counter medication is any medication that does NOT require a prescription for you to obtain it. (Examples are acetaminophen or ibuprofen.) However, in order for the school nurse to give ANY OTC'S, a written order from your child's medical provider‘s office must be on file each school year in addition to your signature. For a copy of this form visit the related file section below.

Prescription Medications

Any prescription medication that your child will need to be administered to them during the school year, requires an order from the prescribing medical provider. Please see our policy and form in the related file section below.


Physicals/health appraisals  are due for all 7th graders and annually for students participating in sports. If you haven't had your child's 7th grade physical done by their own primary care provider yet, but are planning to do so, please let the health office know the date of the appointment.

Students that have not received a new entrant or 7th grade physical by their own medical provider will be provided one at NO charge by the district's school physician or nurse practitioner.

Please have your child’s medical care provider complete the health appraisal form at their annual physical. A copy below is in our related file section.  

Dental Health Certificates

New York State law permits schools to requests a dental examination in the 7th grade. Your child may have a dental check up during the school year to assess his/her fitness to attend school. A copy below is in our related file section.  For a list of dentists providing free or reduced care please visit our related file section.  

Immunization Requirements for Middle School:

New York State Law Section 2164 requires certain immunizations (shots) to enter and attend school. Please check with your health care provider as soon as possible to make sure that your child has all the needed immunizations.  They are listed below.

Required Immunizations for Students in Grades 6, 7 & 8:


Number of Doses


3 doses


Age 11:  Must receive an immunization containing Tetanus Toxoids, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap)


4 doses or 3 doses
if the 3rd dose was received at age 4 or older


2 doses

Hepatitis B

3 doses or 2 doses
of adult hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombivax) for children who received the doses at least 4 months apart between ages of 11-15 years

Varicella (chickenpox)

2 doses

Meningococcal conjugate

1 dose
Grade 7 and 8  


*In addition to the above doses all vaccines must be given  in according to the  Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) guidelines.*

Wayne County Public Health Immunization Clinic for children:

Third Wednesday of every month from 1:00-4:00 pm by appointment only. Bring copy of your child’s immunization record with you. Call 315-946-5749 to schedule an appointment. 


Related Files: